HOW MANY SEASONS OF NARUTO The anime Naruto is definitely one of the most famous Japanese animation series that has ever existed with around 220 episodes today since its beginning in 2002. Created by his Mangaka Masashi Kishimoto in 1999, the manga was first published on March 3, 2000, and has never stopped growing since this date. […]
BORUTO FILLER LIST Bored to waste your time on watching un-canon episodes? With Naruto Merchandise® today, discover our official Boruto Filler List and learn what Boruto episodes are filler (= not canon to the manga) so that you can skip them! Skipping those episodes is a great way to avoid losing your precious time in stories that don’t […]
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN FILLER LIST Here we are again dear readers! Today Naruto Merchandise® brings you an official Naruto Shippuden Filler List to discover which episodes of Naruto Shippuden are filler (= not canon to the manga) so that you can skip them! Naruto Shippûden (ナルト 疾風伝, Naruto Shippûden, meaning literally: Naruto Chronicles of the Hurricane) is the animated adaptation […]
NARUTO FILLER LIST Today, Naruto Merchandise® offers you an official Naruto Filler List to discover what naruto episodes are filler (= not canon to the manga) so that you can skip them! Naruto (ナルト?, litt. “Tourbillon”) is a manga shōnen written and drawn by Masashi Kishimoto. Naruto was pre-published in the weekly Weekly Shōnen Jump […]